A significant amount of my time on Black Ops 2 was spent on the single player campaign, playing a role in designing the layout for the Yemen and Panama levels.
Yemen Natural Environment
On Yemen I had a primary focus on bringing the natural environments to life, including the Cliff sides and coastal vista. This required use of my previous experiences creating believable natural landscapes.
Yemen City Environment
In the city section of Yemen I took over previous level design work and redesigned sections of the town as well as added detail to the unique Yemen structures and cityscape.
80's Panama (Night)
Working on the night time section of Panama was a great design exercise. I used real world references from historical images as well as pulled from my memories growing up in the similar tropical setting of Hawaii.
I designed the layout from the coastal landing  through the airport hangar and up to the motel, working with the scripting team to craft and fine tune the combat throughout.
Futuristic Downtown Los Angeles
The downtown Los Angeles level was an exiting challenge that caused me to step outside of my FPS design comfort zone and design a space from the view of a fast moving harrier jet.

I designed large sections of a futuristic downtown, making sure the performance and transition was seamless, while maintaining the aesthetics of the previous on foot section of the level.

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